# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2017 Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <info@aquaduct.pl>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
Module implements AutoBarber generation of spheres.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from collections import namedtuple
import copy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
import numpy as np
from aquaduct.utils import clui
#from aquaduct.traj.reader import atom2vdw_radius
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import lind
from aquaduct.traj.sandwich import ReaderAccess
__mail__ = 'info@aquaduct.pl'
[docs]class Sphere(namedtuple('Sphere', 'center radius nr')):
Simple sphere class.
[docs] def is_point_within(self, point):
return self.radius > cdist(np.matrix(self.center), np.matrix(point), metric='euclidean')
[docs] def is_sphere_within(self, sphere):
center, radius = sphere
return self.radius > cdist(np.matrix(self.center), np.matrix(center), metric='euclidean') + radius
[docs] def is_sphere_cloud(self, sphere):
center, radius = sphere
return self.radius > cdist(np.matrix(self.center), np.matrix(center), metric='euclidean') - radius
[docs]class WhereToCut(ReaderAccess):
Class implements method for creating (optimal) set of AutoBarber spheres for a collection of spaths;
access to trajectory is also required to read VdW radii.
# creates collection of Spheres
[docs] def __init__(self,
:param list spaths: List of :class:`aquaduct.traj.paths.SinglePath` objects.
:param int expected_nr_of_spaths: Number of spaths passed. Requilred when length of spaths cannod be calculated, eg when it is a generator.
:param str selection: Selection string of molecular object used for spheres generation.
:param float mincut: Value of *mincut* parameter.
:param float maxcut: Value of *maxcut* parameter.
:param bool mincut_level: Flag of *mincut_level*.
:param bool maxcut_level: Flag of *maxcut_level*.
:param bool tovdw: Flag of to VdW radii correction parameter.
:param bool forceemtpy: If set *True* spheres of radius 0 are returned if no other sphere can be generated.
# force empty means that empty spheres are also returned with radius 0
self.forceempty = forceempty
self.selection = selection
self.mincut = mincut
self.maxcut = maxcut
self.mincut_level = mincut_level
self.maxcut_level = maxcut_level
self.tovdw = tovdw
self.expected_nr_of_spaths = expected_nr_of_spaths
self.spheres = []
if spaths is not None:
if inlets is not None:
[docs] def check_minmaxcuts(self):
mincut = False
mincut_val = None
if self.mincut is not None:
mincut = True
mincut_val = float(self.mincut)
logger.debug('mincut set to %0.2f', mincut_val)
maxcut = False
maxcut_val = None
if self.maxcut is not None:
maxcut = True
maxcut_val = float(self.maxcut)
logger.debug('maxcut set to %0.2f', maxcut_val)
if mincut and maxcut:
if maxcut_val < mincut_val:
'Values of mincut %0.2f and maxcut %0.2f are mutually exclusive. No spheres will be used in Auto Barber.',
mincut_val, maxcut_val)
if self.maxcut_level or self.mincut_level:
'Options mincut_level and maxcut_level are set to %s and %s accordingly, some spheres might be retained.')
return mincut, mincut_val, maxcut, maxcut_val
[docs] def add_spheres_from_spaths(self, spaths):
clui.message("Auto Barber is looking where to cut:")
if self.expected_nr_of_spaths:
pbar = clui.pbar(self.expected_nr_of_spaths)
pbar = clui.pbar(len(spaths))
for sp in spaths:
for sphe in self.spath2spheres(sp):
[docs] def add_spheres_from_inlets(self, inlets):
clui.message("Auto Barber is looking where to cut:")
if self.expected_nr_of_spaths:
pbar = clui.pbar(self.expected_nr_of_spaths)
pbar = clui.pbar(len(inlets.inlets_list))
for inl in inlets.inlets_list:
sphe = self.inlet2sphere(inl)
if sphe is not None:
[docs] def get_current_nr(self):
if len(self.spheres):
#nr = max((sphe.nr for sphe in self.spheres))
nr = self.spheres[-1].nr
nr += 1
nr = 0
assert nr >= len(self.spheres), "Inconsistent number of spheres."
return nr
[docs] def inlet2sphere(self,inlet):
traj_reader = self.reader.get_reader_by_id(inlet.reference.id)
mincut, mincut_val, maxcut, maxcut_val = self.check_minmaxcuts()
barber = traj_reader.parse_selection(self.selection)
vdwradius = 0
center = inlet.coords
frame = inlet.frame
make_sphere = True
if make_sphere:
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), np.matrix(list(barber.coords())), metric='euclidean').flatten()
if self.tovdw:
vdwradius = list(barber.ix(np.argmin(distances)).vdw())[0]
logger.debug('VdW correction %0.2f', vdwradius)
radius = min(distances) - vdwradius
if radius <= 0:
logger.debug('VdW correction resulted in <= 0 radius.')
make_sphere = False
if mincut and radius < mincut_val:
if not self.mincut_level:
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f is less then mincut %0.2f', radius, mincut_val)
make_sphere = False
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f leveled to mincut %0.2f', radius, mincut_val)
radius = mincut_val
if maxcut and radius > maxcut_val:
if not self.maxcut_level:
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f is greater then maxcut %0.2f', radius, maxcut_val)
make_sphere = False
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f leveled to maxcut %0.2f', radius, maxcut_val)
radius = maxcut_val
if make_sphere:
logger.debug('Added sphere of radius %0.2f' % radius)
return Sphere(center.flatten(), radius, self.get_current_nr())
elif self.forceempty:
logger.debug('Added sphere of radius 0')
return Sphere(center.flatten(), 0, self.get_current_nr())
[docs] def spath2spheres(self, sp):
traj_reader = self.reader.get_reader_by_id(sp.id.id)
mincut, mincut_val, maxcut, maxcut_val = self.check_minmaxcuts()
barber = traj_reader.parse_selection(self.selection)
vdwradius = 0
centers = []
frames = []
# TODO: This is inconsistent with inlets types. Below is equivalent to surface only inlets. Rework this and make it coherent to each other.
# Assume it is already coherent.
if sp.has_in:
if sp.has_out:
for center, frame in zip(centers, frames):
make_sphere = True
if make_sphere:
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), np.matrix(list(barber.coords())), metric='euclidean').flatten()
if self.tovdw:
vdwradius = list(barber.ix(np.argmin(distances)).vdw())[0]
logger.debug('VdW correction %0.2f',vdwradius)
radius = min(distances) - vdwradius
if radius <= 0:
logger.debug('VdW correction resulted in <= 0 radius.')
make_sphere = False
if mincut and radius < mincut_val:
if not self.mincut_level:
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f is less then mincut %0.2f', radius, mincut_val)
make_sphere = False
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f leveled to mincut %0.2f', radius, mincut_val)
radius = mincut_val
if maxcut and radius > maxcut_val:
if not self.maxcut_level:
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f is greater then maxcut %0.2f', radius, maxcut_val)
make_sphere = False
logger.debug('Sphere radius %0.2f leveled to maxcut %0.2f', radius, maxcut_val)
radius = maxcut_val
if make_sphere:
logger.debug('Added sphere of radius %0.2f' % radius)
yield Sphere(center.flatten(), radius, self.get_current_nr())
elif self.forceempty:
logger.debug('Added sphere of radius 0')
yield Sphere(center.flatten(), 0, self.get_current_nr())
[docs] def _cut_thyself(self, spheres_passed, progress=False):
# returns noredundant spheres
# make a deep copy?
# TODO: this is not memory efficient?
spheres = copy.copy(spheres_passed)
N = len(spheres)
if progress:
clui.message("Barber, cut thyself:")
pbar = clui.pbar(N)
noredundat_spheres_count = 0
redundat_spheres = []
while True:
spheres.sort(key=lambda s: s.radius, reverse=True)
spheres_coords = np.array([sphe.center for sphe in spheres])
spheres_radii = np.array([sphe.radius for sphe in spheres])
noredundat_spheres = []
while spheres:
big = spheres.pop(0)
center, radius, nr = big
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), spheres_coords[1:], metric='euclidean').flatten()
# add radii
distances += spheres_radii[1:]
# remove if distance <= radius
to_keep = distances > radius
to_remove = ~to_keep
# do keep
spheres_coords = spheres_coords[1:][to_keep]
spheres_radii = spheres_radii[1:][to_keep]
# do keep spheres
to_keep_ids = np.argwhere(to_keep).flatten().tolist()
to_remove_ids = np.argwhere(to_remove).flatten().tolist()
redundat_spheres.extend(lind(spheres, to_remove_ids))
spheres = lind(spheres, to_keep_ids)
# add big to non redundant
if progress: pbar.update(N - len(spheres))
logger.debug("Removal of redundant cutting places: done %d, to analyze %d" % (
len(noredundat_spheres), len(spheres)))
if len(noredundat_spheres) == noredundat_spheres_count:
logger.debug("Removal of redundant cutting places done. %d non redundant spheres found." % len(
noredundat_spheres_count = len(noredundat_spheres)
spheres = noredundat_spheres
if progress: pbar.finish()
assert len(noredundat_spheres) + len(
redundat_spheres) == N, "Inconsistent number of not and redundant spheres. Please send a bug report to the developer(s): %s" % __mail__
# sorting
noredundat_spheres.sort(key=lambda s: s.nr)
redundat_spheres.sort(key=lambda s: s.nr)
return noredundat_spheres, redundat_spheres
[docs] def cut_thyself(self):
self.spheres = self._cut_thyself(self.spheres, progress=True)[0]
[docs] def is_overlaping_with_cloud(self,sphere):
spheres_coords = np.array([sphe.center for sphe in self.spheres])
spheres_radii = np.array([sphe.radius for sphe in self.spheres])
center, radius, nr = sphere
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), spheres_coords, metric='euclidean').flatten()
distances = distances - spheres_radii - radius
return (distances <= 0).any()
[docs] def cloud_groups(self, progress=False):
# no redundant spheres
noredundant_spheres, redundant_spheres = self._cut_thyself(self.spheres, progress=progress)
if progress:
clui.message("Barber, clouds clusters:")
pbar = clui.pbar(len(self.spheres))
noredundant_spheres_coords = np.array([sphe.center for sphe in noredundant_spheres])
noredundant_spheres_radii = np.array([sphe.radius for sphe in noredundant_spheres])
clouds = {}
for nrs in noredundant_spheres:
# calculate distance
center, radius, nr = nrs
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), noredundant_spheres_coords, metric='euclidean').flatten()
distances = distances - noredundant_spheres_radii - radius
current_cloud = set(np.argwhere(distances <= 0).flatten().tolist())
del distances
# check if cci overlaps with any of already found clouds
cloud_id_intersections = []
for cloud_id, cloud in clouds.iteritems():
if current_cloud.intersection(cloud):
# current cloud intersects with cloud
# does it intersects?
if cloud_id_intersections:
for cii in cloud_id_intersections:
current_cloud = current_cloud.union(clouds.pop(cii))
# current id?
current_id = clouds.keys()
if current_id:
for cid in range(max(current_id) + 2):
if cid not in current_id:
current_id = cid
current_id = 0
clouds.update({current_id: current_cloud})
if progress: pbar.next()
# chnage nrs id to global ids; add redundant spheres
nrs_gids = [nrs.nr for nrs in noredundant_spheres]
for cloud_id, cloud in clouds.iteritems():
cloud = sorted(list(cloud))
if len(redundant_spheres):
cloud_coords = noredundant_spheres_coords[cloud]
cloud_radii = noredundant_spheres_radii[cloud]
cloud = sorted([nrs_gids[c] for c in cloud])
# clouds.update({cloud_id:cloud})
for rs_id in range(len(redundant_spheres))[::-1]:
center, radius, nr = redundant_spheres[rs_id]
distances = cdist(np.matrix(center), cloud_coords, metric='euclidean').flatten()
distances = distances - cloud_radii - radius
current_cloud = np.argwhere(distances <= 0).flatten().tolist()
if current_cloud:
if progress: pbar.next()
clouds.update({cloud_id: cloud})
if progress: pbar.finish()
return clouds
if __name__ == "__main__":
wtc = WhereToCut()
coords = np.random.randn(100, 3)
radii = np.random.randn(100, 1) * 2
wtc.spheres = [Sphere(c, float(r)) for c, r in zip(coords, radii)]