# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk, Magdalena Ługowska, Sandra Gołdowska <info@aquaduct.pl>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
import copy
from itertools import izip_longest
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import is_iterable, listify, lind
from aquaduct.utils import clui
from aquaduct.utils.maths import make_default_array
from aquaduct.geom.convexhull import SciPyConvexHull
[docs]class ProtoInletTypeCodes:
surface = 'surface'
internal = 'internal'
incoming = 'inin'
outgoing = 'inout'
[docs]class InletTypeCodes(ProtoInletTypeCodes):
# TODO: Rework this and make it coherent with barber create_spheres.
all_surface = [(ProtoInletTypeCodes.surface, itype) for itype in
(ProtoInletTypeCodes.incoming, ProtoInletTypeCodes.outgoing)]
all_internal = [(ProtoInletTypeCodes.internal, itype) for itype in
(ProtoInletTypeCodes.incoming, ProtoInletTypeCodes.outgoing)]
all_incoming = [(itype, ProtoInletTypeCodes.incoming) for itype in
(ProtoInletTypeCodes.surface, ProtoInletTypeCodes.internal)]
all_outgoing = [(itype, ProtoInletTypeCodes.outgoing) for itype in
(ProtoInletTypeCodes.surface, ProtoInletTypeCodes.internal)]
surface_incoming = (ProtoInletTypeCodes.surface, ProtoInletTypeCodes.incoming)
internal_incoming = (ProtoInletTypeCodes.internal, ProtoInletTypeCodes.incoming)
internal_outgoing = (ProtoInletTypeCodes.internal, ProtoInletTypeCodes.outgoing)
surface_outgoing = (ProtoInletTypeCodes.surface, ProtoInletTypeCodes.outgoing)
# clusers can be:
# None - no such cluster
# nr - 0 means outliers
# because of passing paths one more type could be considered ???
# this might be also done in a different way
[docs]class InletClusterGenericType(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, inp, out):
super(InletClusterGenericType, self).__init__()
self.clusters = [inp, out]
def input(self):
return self.clusters[0]
def output(self):
return self.clusters[1]
#return self.clusters[-1]
[docs] @staticmethod
def cluster2str(cl):
if cl is None:
return 'N'
return '%d' % int(cl)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.clusters[item]
[docs] def __len__(self):
return len(self.clusters)
[docs] def __str__(self):
return ':'.join(map(self.cluster2str, list(self)[::2] + list(self)[::-2]))
[docs] def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
[docs] def make_val(self, base):
val = 0.
for nr, e in enumerate(tuple(self)[::-1]):
if e is None:
e = float(base) ** (nr + 1)
e += 1
for dummy_iter in range(nr + 1):
e /= float(base)
val += e
return val
[docs] def __cmp__(self, other):
def sort_for_cmp(a, b):
# this function compares two elements and returns 0 for a == b, 1 for a > b , -1 for a < b
if a == b:
return 0
elif a is None:
if b > 0:
return 1
elif b == 0:
return -1
elif b is None:
if a > 0:
return -1
elif a == 0:
return 1
elif a == 0:
if b != 0:
return 1
elif b == 0:
if a != 0:
return -1
elif a > b:
return 1
elif a < b:
return -1
# firstly only inputs are sorted, in case of self.input == other.input the outputs are sorted
value = sort_for_cmp(self.input, other.input)
if value == 0:
return sort_for_cmp(self.output, other.output)
return value
[docs] def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
[docs]class InletClusterExtendedType(InletClusterGenericType):
[docs] def __init__(self, surfin, interin, interout, surfout):
super(InletClusterExtendedType, self).__init__(surfin, surfout)
self.clusters.extend([interin, interout])
def generic(self):
return InletClusterGenericType(*self.clusters[:2])
#InletOLD = namedtuple('Inlet', 'coords type reference frame') # for backward compatibility
[docs]class Inlet(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, coords=None, type=None, reference=None, frame=None):
# no none is allowed
assert None not in [type, reference, frame], "Wrong Inlet init."
self.coords = make_default_array(coords)
self.type = type
self.reference = reference
self.frame = frame
[docs]class Inlets(object):
# class for list of inlets
[docs] def __init__(self, spaths, center_of_system=None, onlytype=InletTypeCodes.all_surface, passing=False, pbar=None):
self.center_of_system = center_of_system
self.onlytype = onlytype
self.inlets_list = []
self.inlets_ids = []
self.clusters = []
self.number_of_clustered_inlets = None
self.spheres = []
self.passing = passing
self.tree = clui.SimpleTree()
for spath in spaths:
if pbar: pbar.next()
[docs] def add_leaf_wrapper(self, name=None, message=None, toleaf=None):
if name == 0:
self.tree.add_leaf(name='(0)', message=message, toleaf=toleaf)
self.tree.add_leaf(name=name, message=message, toleaf=toleaf)
[docs] def resize_leaf_0(self):
if 0 in self.clusters_list:
if 0 not in self.tree.leafs_names:
self.tree.add_leaf(name=0, message='size: %d' % self.clusters.count(0))
self.tree.add_message(toleaf=0, message='size: %d' % self.clusters.count(0), replace=True)
[docs] def add_message_wrapper(self, message=None, toleaf=None):
self.tree.add_message(message=message, toleaf=toleaf)
[docs] def extend_inlets(self, spath, onlytype=None):
if not self.passing and spath.is_passing():
if onlytype is None:
onlytype = self.onlytype
added_list = []
nr = len(self.inlets_list)
for inlet in spath.get_inlets():
if onlytype is not None:
if inlet.type not in onlytype:
# is ther already clustering info?
if len(self.clusters):
nr += 1
return added_list
[docs] def add_cluster_annotations(self, clusters):
# this replaces clusters!
assert len(clusters) == len(self.inlets_list)
self.clusters = clusters
self.tree = clui.SimpleTree()
[docs] def add_outliers_annotations(self, new_clusters):
assert len(new_clusters) == len(self.inlets_list)
# this is meant for situation when some points from clusters are changed to outliers
# lets loop over current clusters list
for cluster, cluster_size in zip(self.clusters_list, self.clusters_size):
if cluster == 0: continue
# check if cluster was changed!
if cluster not in new_clusters:
# it was completly removed!
self.add_message_wrapper(message='outliers detection', toleaf=cluster)
self.add_leaf_wrapper(name=0, toleaf=cluster, message='size: %d' % cluster_size)
elif self.clusters.count(cluster) != new_clusters.count(cluster):
# some points were shifted to outliers
self.add_message_wrapper(message='outliers detection', toleaf=cluster)
self.add_leaf_wrapper(name=0, toleaf=cluster,
message='size: %d' % (cluster_size - new_clusters.count(cluster)))
# we need new cluster!
new_cluster = max(new_clusters) + 1
for nr, dummy in enumerate(new_clusters):
if new_clusters[nr] == cluster:
new_clusters[nr] = new_cluster
self.add_leaf_wrapper(name=new_cluster, toleaf=cluster,
message='size: %d' % (new_clusters.count(new_cluster)))
self.clusters = new_clusters
[docs] def add_spheres(self, spheres):
assert len(spheres) == len(self.inlets_list)
self.spheres = spheres
[docs] def get_inlets_references(self):
return [inl.reference for inl in self.inlets_list]
# basic properites
def size(self):
return len(self.inlets_list)
def coords(self):
return [inlet.coords.tolist() for inlet in self.inlets_list]
def types(self):
return [inlet.type for inlet in self.inlets_list]
def refs(self):
return [inlet.reference for inlet in self.inlets_list]
def refs_names(self):
return [inlet.reference.name for inlet in self.inlets_list]
[docs] def call_clusterization_method(self, method, data, spheres=None):
# this method runs clusterization method against provided data
# if center_of_system was set then use distance matrix...
if self.center_of_system is not None:
return method(np.array(data) - self.center_of_system, spheres=spheres)
return method(np.array(data), spheres=spheres)
[docs] def get_flat_tree(self, message=None):
st = clui.SimpleTree(name='all', message='size: %d' % self.size)
[st.add_leaf(name=leaf, message='size: %d' % csize) for leaf, csize in
zip(self.clusters_list, self.clusters_size)]
return st
# renumber clusters
# self.renumber_clusters()
# return clusters as simple tree
[docs] def recluster_cluster(self, method, cluster):
if cluster in self.clusters_list:
logger.debug('Reclustering %d cluster: initial number of clusters %d.' % (cluster, len(self.clusters_list)))
reclust = self.call_clusterization_method(method, self.lim2clusters(cluster).coords,
if len(set(reclust)) <= 1:
clui.message('No new clusters found.')
# how many clusters? what aboout outliers?
n_reclust = len(set(reclust))
out_reclust = 0 in reclust
clui.message('Cluster %d was split into %d clusters.' % (cluster, n_reclust))
if out_reclust:
clui.message('Outliers were detected and will have annotation of the old cluster %d.' % cluster)
clui.message('No outliers were detected, the old cluster %d will be removed.' % cluster)
# change numbers of reclust
max_cluster = max(self.clusters_list)
for nr, r in enumerate(reclust):
if r != 0:
reclust[nr] = r + max_cluster
if cluster != 0:
self.add_message_wrapper(message=str(method), toleaf=cluster)
[self.add_leaf_wrapper(name=leaf, toleaf=cluster, message=['size: %d' % reclust.count(leaf)]) for leaf
in sorted(list(set(reclust)))]
if cluster == 0:
self.add_message_wrapper(message=['[RE]', str(method)], toleaf=cluster)
if out_reclust:
clui.message('The old cluster %d will be split into new clusters: %s' % (
cluster, (' '.join(map(str, sorted(set(reclust))[1:])))))
clui.message('The old cluster %d will be split into new clusters: %s' % (
cluster, (' '.join(map(str, sorted(set(reclust)))))))
# add new clusters
nrr = 0
for nr, c in enumerate(self.clusters):
if c == cluster:
self.clusters[nr] = reclust[nrr]
nrr += 1
logger.debug('Reclustering %d cluster: final number of clusters %d.' % (cluster, len(self.clusters_list)))
# number of cluster
self.number_of_clustered_inlets = len(self.clusters)
if cluster != 0:
[docs] def recluster_outliers(self, method):
self.recluster_cluster(method, 0)
# renumber clusters
# self.renumber_clusters()
[docs] def small_clusters_to_outliers(self, maxsize):
new_out = 0
for c in self.clusters_list:
if c == 0:
if self.clusters.count(c) <= maxsize:
self.add_leaf_wrapper(name=0, toleaf=c, message='size: %d' % self.clusters.count(c))
self.add_message_wrapper(message='|%d| to outliers' % maxsize, toleaf=c)
for nr, cc in enumerate(self.clusters):
if cc == c:
self.clusters[nr] = 0
new_out += 1
# renumber clusters
# self.renumber_clusters()
if new_out:
if 0 not in self.tree.leafs_names:
self.add_message_wrapper(message=['|%d| to outliers' % maxsize, 'new size %d' % self.clusters.count(0)],
# self.resize_leaf_0()
[docs] def renumber_clusters(self):
if 0 in self.clusters_list:
new_numbers = range(len(self.clusters_list))
new_numbers = range(1, len(self.clusters_list) + 1)
old_numbers = self.clusters_list
if old_numbers != new_numbers:
for nr, c in enumerate(self.clusters):
self.clusters[nr] = new_numbers[old_numbers.index(c)]
[docs] def sort_clusters(self):
old_numbers = self.clusters_list
old_sizes = self.clusters_size
# now sort according to sizes but put 0, if present, at the begining
if 0 in old_numbers:
zero_size = old_sizes.pop(old_numbers.index(0))
zero_number = old_numbers.pop(old_numbers.index(0)) # which is zero!
new_numbers = [zero_number] + [old_numbers[i] for i in np.argsort(old_sizes).tolist()[::-1]]
new_sizes = [zero_size] + [old_sizes[i] for i in np.argsort(old_sizes).tolist()[::-1]]
old_numbers = self.clusters_list
# old_sizes = self.clusters_size
new_numbers = [old_numbers[i] for i in np.argsort(old_sizes).tolist()[::-1]]
new_sizes = [old_sizes[i] for i in np.argsort(old_sizes).tolist()[::-1]]
# trans_dict = {n: o for o, n in zip(old_numbers, new_numbers)}
trans_dict = dict((n, o) for o, n in
zip(old_numbers, new_numbers)) # more universal as dict comprehension may not work in <2.7
new_clusters = []
for c in self.clusters:
self.clusters = new_clusters
assert self.clusters_size == new_sizes
def clusters_list(self):
return sorted(list(set(self.clusters)))
def clusters_centers(self):
for c in self.clusters_list:
yield np.mean(self.lim2clusters(c).coords, 0)
def clusters_size(self):
return map(self.clusters.count, self.clusters_list)
def clusters_std(self):
for c, s in zip(self.clusters_list, self.clusters_size):
if s == 1:
yield 0.
elif s == 2:
yield pdist(self.lim2clusters(c).coords, 'euclidean')
elif s > 2:
yield np.std(pdist(self.lim2clusters(c).coords, 'euclidean'))
[docs] @listify
def spaths2ctypes(self, spaths):
# surfin interin interout surfout
for sp in spaths:
yield self.spath2ctype(sp)
[docs] def spath2ctype(self, sp):
ctypes = self.lim2spaths(sp).types
clusters = self.lim2spaths(sp).clusters
surfin, interin, interout, surfout = None, None, None, None
for ct, cl in zip(ctypes, clusters):
if ct in InletTypeCodes.all_surface and ct in InletTypeCodes.all_incoming:
surfin = cl
if ct in InletTypeCodes.all_internal and ct in InletTypeCodes.all_incoming:
interin = cl
if ct in InletTypeCodes.all_internal and ct in InletTypeCodes.all_outgoing:
interout = cl
if ct in InletTypeCodes.all_surface and ct in InletTypeCodes.all_outgoing:
surfout = cl
return InletClusterExtendedType(surfin, interin, interout, surfout)
[docs] def lim_to(self, what, towhat):
if not is_iterable(towhat):
towhat = [towhat]
new_inlets = self.__class__([], onlytype=self.onlytype)
new_inlets.number_of_clustered_inlets = self.number_of_clustered_inlets
for inlet, ids, cluster, sphere, w in izip_longest(self.inlets_list, self.inlets_ids, self.clusters,
self.spheres, what):
if w in towhat:
if len(self.spheres) and (sphere or sphere == 0):
return new_inlets
[docs] def lim2spaths(self, spaths):
if not is_iterable(spaths):
spaths = [spaths]
return self.lim_to(self.refs, [sp.id for sp in spaths])
[docs] def lim2rnames(self, rnames):
if not is_iterable(rnames):
rnames = [rnames]
return self.lim_to(self.refs_names, rnames)
[docs] def lim2types(self, types):
return self.lim_to(self.types, types)
[docs] def lim2clusters(self, clusters):
return self.lim_to(self.clusters, clusters)
[docs] @listify
def limspaths2(self, spaths):
if not is_iterable(spaths):
spaths = [spaths]
refs = set(self.refs)
for sp in spaths:
if sp.id in refs:
yield sp
[docs] def get_chull(self):
return SciPyConvexHull(self.coords)