Source code for aquaduct.utils.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018  Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Collection of helpers - functions and decorators.

import numpy as np
from collections import Iterable
from functools import wraps
from os import close
from tempfile import mkstemp
from functools import partial,total_ordering
from aquaduct.utils.maths import defaults

#  aliens

[docs]def combine(seqin): """ This is an alien function. It is not extensively used. Directly taken form Returns a list of all combinations of argument sequences. For example, following call:: combine(((1,2),(3,4))) gives following list of combinations:: [[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]] :param tuple seqin: Tuple of sequences to combine. :returns: All possible combinations of all input sequences. :rtype: list of lists """ # def rloop(seqin, listout, comb): """recursive looping function""" if seqin: # any more sequences to process? for item in seqin[0]: newcomb = comb + [item] # add next item to current comb # call rloop w/ rem seqs, newcomb rloop(seqin[1:], listout, newcomb) else: # processing last sequence listout.append(comb) # comb finished, add to list listout = [] # listout initialization rloop(seqin, listout, []) # start recursive process return listout
[docs]def are_rows_uniq(some_array): # ca = np.ascontiguousarray(some_array).view(np.dtype((np.void, some_array.dtype.itemsize * some_array.shape[1]))) return np.unique(ca).shape[0] == ca.shape[0]
[docs]def robust_and(a,b): if a is None: return bool(b) if b is None: return bool(a) return a and b
[docs]def robust_or(a,b): if a is None: return bool(b) if b is None: return bool(a) return a or b
[docs]def is_number(s): # if isinstance(s, bool): return False try: float(s) return True except: pass try: import unicodedata unicodedata.numeric(s) return True except: pass return False
[docs]def lind(l, ind): """ Indexes lists using lists of integers as identificators. For example:: lind(['a','b','c','d','e'],[1,4,2]) returns:: ['b', 'e', 'c'] :param list l: List to be indexed. :param list ind: Integer indexes. :return: Reindexed list. :rtype: list """ ll = [] for i in ind: ll.append(l[i]) return ll
[docs]class Auto: """ Auto type definition. The class is used as an alternative value for options (if particular option supports it). If options (or variables/parameters etc.) have value of :class:`Auto` it means that an automatic process for parametrization should be performed. For example, if the input parameter is set to :class:`Auto` it is supposed that its value is calculated on the basis of input data or other parameters. """
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ :return: String ``Auto``. :rtype: str """ return "Auto"
[docs] def __str__(self): """ Calls :meth:`__repr__`. """ return self.__repr__()
[docs]def create_tmpfile(ext=None): """ Creates temporary file. File is created, closed and its file name is returned. .. note:: It is responsibility of the caller to delete the file. :param str ext: Optional extension of the file. :return: File name of created temporary file. :rtype: str """ if ext is None: suffix = '' else: suffix = ".%s" % str(ext).lower() fd, name = mkstemp(suffix=suffix) close(fd) return name
[docs]def range2int(r, uniq=True): """ Transforms a string range in to a list of integers (with added missing elements from given ranges). For example, a following string:: '0:2 4:5 7 9' is transformed into:: [0,1,2,4,5,7,9] :param str r: String of input range. :param bool uniq: Optional parameter, if set to `True` only unique and sorted integers are returned. :return: List of integers. :rtype: list of int """ out = [] for rr in r.split(): if ':' in rr: if rr.count(':') == 1: r1, r2 = map(int, rr.split(':')) r3 = 1 if rr.count(':') == 2: r1, r3, r2 = map(int, rr.split(':')) out.extend(range(r1, r2 + 1, r3)) else: out.append(int(rr)) if uniq: out = list(set(out)) out.sort() return out
[docs]def int2range(l): # the function can order case with letter, letters are at the end of string """ Transforms a list of integers in to a string of ranges. For example, a following list:: [0,1,2,4,5,7,9] is transformed into:: 0:2 4:5 7 9 :param list l: input list of int :return: String of ranges. :rtype: str """ out = [] l = list(set(l)) l.sort() previous = None for e in l: if previous is None: previous = e out.append(e) out.append(':') out.append(None) continue else: if previous + 1 == e: out[-1] = e previous = e continue else: while out[-1] in [None, ':']: out.pop(-1) out.append(' ') out.append(e) out.append(':') out.append(None) previous = e continue while out[-1] in [None, ':']: out.pop(-1) out = ''.join(map(str, out)) return out
[docs]def is_iterable(l): """ Checks if provided object is iterable. Returns True is it is iterable, otherwise returns False. :param list l: input object :return: True if submitted object is iterable otherwise returns False. :rtype: bool """ try: _ = (e for e in l) return True except TypeError: pass return False
[docs]def sortify(gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a sorted list. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a list of appropriate length. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a list of length 1. Written on the basis of :func:`listify`. :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a sorted list. :rtype: list """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if is_iterable(obj): obj = list(obj) obj.sort() return obj return [obj] return patched
[docs]def uniqify(gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a sorted list of unique objects. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a list of appropriate length. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a list of length 1. Written on the basis of :func:`listify`. :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a sorted list of unique objects. :rtype: list """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if is_iterable(obj): obj = list(set(obj)) obj.sort() return obj return [obj] return patched
[docs]def noaction(gen): @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): return gen(*args, **kwargs) return patched
[docs]def listify(gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a list. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a list of appropriate length. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a list of length 1. This function was copied from: and further improved by :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a list. :rtype: list """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Iterable): return list(obj) return [obj] return patched
[docs]def tupleify(gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a tuple. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a tuple of apropriate length. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a tuple of length 1. Written on the basis of :func:`listify`. :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a tuple. :rtype: tuple """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Iterable): return tuple(obj) return (obj,) return patched
[docs]class arrayify(object):
[docs] def __init__(self,shape=None): self.shape = shape
[docs] def __call__(self,gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a 2D numpy array. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a 2D numpy array of appropriate shape. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a 2D numpy array of shape 1x1. Written on the basis of :func:`listify`. :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a 2D numpy array. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Iterable): result = np.matrix(list(obj),dtype=defaults.float_default).A else: result = np.matrix([obj],dtype=defaults.float_default).A if self.shape is None: return result new_shape = [] for ds,s in zip(self.shape,result.shape): if ds is None: if result.size: new_shape.append(s) else: new_shape.append(0) else: new_shape.append(ds) result.shape = tuple(new_shape) return result return patched
[docs]def arrayify1(gen): """ Decorator to convert functions' outputs into a 1D numpy array. If the output is iterable it is converted in to a 2D numpy array of appropriate shape. If the output is not iterable it is converted in to a 2D numpy array of shape 1x1. Written on the basis of :func:`listify`. :returns: Output of decorated function converted to a 1D numpy array. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ @wraps(gen) def patched(*args, **kwargs): obj = gen(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(obj, Iterable): return np.matrix(list(obj),dtype=defaults.float_default).A1 return np.matrix([obj],dtype=defaults.float_default).A1 return patched
[docs]def list_blocks_to_slices(l): """ Slices list in to block according to its elements identity. Resulting slices correspond to blocks of identical elements. :param list l: List of any objects. :return: Generator of slices. :rtype: generator """ # TODO: poprawic opis n = len(l) if n in [0, 1]: yield slice(None, None, None) if n > 1: prev = l[0] prev_nr = 0 for nr, e in enumerate(l[1:]): if e == prev: continue yield slice(prev_nr, nr + 1, 1) prev = e prev_nr = nr + 1 yield slice(prev_nr, nr + 2, 1)
[docs]def split_list(l,s): # l is list # s is element to split if s not in l: yield l else: n = l.count(s) i = -1 b = 0 while n: i = l.index(s,i+1) yield l[b:i] b = i+1 n -= 1 yield l[b:]
[docs]@tupleify def what2what(what, towhat): """ what2what(what, towhat) This function search if elements of the one list (:attr: 'what') are present in the other list (:attr: 'towhat') and returns indices of elements form :attr:'what' list as a tuple. If elements from the first list are not present in the second list the tuple is empty. :param list what: Input list for which indices of elements present in :attr:`towhat` are returned. :param list towhat: List of elements which input list is indexed to. :return: Indices of :attr:`what` list that are present in :attr:`towhat` list. :rtype: tuple """ # todo poprawic opis towhat = make_iterable(towhat) for nr, w in enumerate(make_iterable(what)): if w in towhat: yield nr
[docs]def make_iterable(something): """ If input object is not iterable returns it as one element list. Otherwise returns the object. :param object something: Input object. :return: Iterable object. :rtype: iterable or list """ if not is_iterable(something): return [something] return something
[docs]def iterate_or_die(something,times=None): if is_iterable(something): return something return (something for dummy in xrange(times))
[docs]def strech_zip(*args): ns = map(float, map(len, args)) N = int(max(ns)) for n in range(N): yield tuple([args[nr][int(cN / N * n)] for nr, cN in enumerate(ns)])
[docs]def compress_zip(*args): ns = map(float, map(len, args)) N = int(min(ns)) position = [0.] * len(args) for n in range(N): this_yield = [] next_position = [float(len(a)) / N + p for a, p in zip(args, position)] for a, p, np in zip(args, position, next_position): if n + 1 == N: this_yield.append(a[int(p):]) else: this_yield.append(a[int(p):int(np)]) yield tuple(this_yield) position = next_position
[docs]def zip_zip(*args, **kwargs): if 'N' in kwargs.keys(): N = kwargs['N'] else: N = int(min(map(float, map(len, args)))) position = [0.] * len(args) for n in range(N): this_yield = [] next_position = [float(len(a)) / N + p for a, p in zip(args, position)] for a, p, np in zip(args, position, next_position): ip = int(p) inp = int(np) if n + 1 == N: this_yield.append(a[ip:]) else: if ip == inp: inp += 1 this_yield.append(a[ip:inp]) yield tuple(this_yield) position = next_position
[docs]def xzip_xzip(*args, **kwargs): if 'N' in kwargs.keys(): N = kwargs['N'] else: N = int(min(map(float, args))) position = [0.] * len(args) for n in xrange(N): this_yield = [] # next_position = [float(a) / N + p for a, p in zip(args, position)] next_position_ = (float(args[i]) / N + position[i] for i in xrange(len(args))) next_position = [] for i in xrange(len(args)): a = args[i] ip = int(position[i]) next_position.append( inp = int(next_position[-1]) if n + 1 == N: this_yield.append(slice(ip, None)) else: if ip == inp: inp += 1 this_yield.append(slice(ip, inp)) yield tuple(this_yield) position = next_position
[docs]def concatenate(*args): ''' Concatenates input iterable arguments in to one generator. ''' for a in args: for e in a: yield e
[docs]class Bunch(object): """ foo=Bunch(a=1,b=2) """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds)
[docs]class SmartRangeFunction(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, element, times): self.element = element self.times = times
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r,%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.element, self.times)
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.times
[docs] def get(self): raise NotImplementedError('This method should be implemented in a child class.')
[docs] def rev(self): raise NotImplementedError('This method should be implemented in a child class.')
[docs] def isin(self, element): raise NotImplementedError('This method should be implemented in a child class.')
[docs] def first_element(self): return self.element
[docs] def last_element(self): # this is suboptimal, implement it in child class return self.get()[-1]
[docs] def overlaps(self,srange): return (self.isin(srange.first_element()) or self.isin(srange.last_element()))
[docs] def overlaps_mutual(self,srange): return self.overlaps(srange) or srange.overlaps(self)
[docs] def contains(self,srange): # tests if srange of type SmartRange is in this range return self.isin(srange.first_element()) and self.isin(srange.last_element())
[docs]class SmartRangeEqual(SmartRangeFunction): type = 'e'
[docs] def get(self): return [self.element] * self.times
[docs] def rev(self): return self
[docs] def isin(self, element): return element == self.element
[docs] def last_element(self): return self.first_element()
[docs]class SmartRangeIncrement(SmartRangeFunction): type = 'i'
[docs] def get(self): return (self.element + i for i in xrange(self.times))
[docs] def rev(self): return SmartRangeDecrement(self.element + self.times - 1, self.times)
[docs] def isin(self, element): return (element >= self.element) and (element <= self.element + self.times - 1)
[docs] def last_element(self): return self.first_element()+self.times-1
[docs]class SmartRangeDecrement(SmartRangeFunction): type = 'd'
[docs] def get(self): return (self.element - i for i in xrange(self.times))
[docs] def rev(self): return SmartRangeIncrement(self.element - self.times + 1, self.times)
[docs] def isin(self, element): return (element <= self.element) and (element >= self.element - self.times + 1)
[docs] def last_element(self): return self.first_element()-self.times+1
[docs]class SmartRange(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, iterable=None): self.__elements = [] self.__len = 0 self.__min = None self.__max = None if iterable is not None: map(self.append, iterable)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.__repr__()
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '[%s]' % (','.join(map(str,self.__elements)))
[docs] def first_element(self): if len(self.__elements) == 0: return None element = self.__elements[0] if isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction): return element.element return element
[docs] def last_element(self): if len(self.__elements) == 0: return None element = self.__elements[-1] if isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction): return element.element return element
[docs] def last_times(self): if len(self.__elements) == 0: return 0 element = self.__elements[-1] if isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction): return element.times return 1
@property @listify def raw(self): for element in self.__elements: if not isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction): yield SmartRangeEqual(element, 1) else: yield element
[docs] def append(self, element): assert not isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction) if len(self.__elements) == 0: self.__elements.append(element) self.__min = element self.__max = element else: if element == self.last_element(): if isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeEqual) or ( not isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeFunction)): self.__elements[-1] = SmartRangeEqual(element, self.last_times() + 1) else: self.__elements.append(element) else: if not is_number(element): self.__elements.append(element) else: if element - self.last_times() == self.last_element(): if isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeIncrement) or ( not isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeFunction)): self.__elements[-1] = SmartRangeIncrement(self.last_element(), self.last_times() + 1) else: self.__elements.append(element) elif element + self.last_times() == self.last_element(): if isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeDecrement) or ( not isinstance(self.__elements[-1], SmartRangeFunction)): self.__elements[-1] = SmartRangeDecrement(self.last_element(), self.last_times() + 1) else: self.__elements.append(element) else: self.__elements.append(element) if element > self.__max: self.__max = element if element < self.__min: self.__min = element self.__len += 1
[docs] def get(self): for element in self.__elements: if not isinstance(element, SmartRangeFunction): yield element else: for e in element.get(): yield e
[docs] def rev(self): elements = [] for e in self.__elements[::-1]: if isinstance(e, SmartRangeFunction): elements.append(e.rev()) else: elements.append(e) self.__elements = elements
[docs] def __len__(self): return self.__len
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self.get()
[docs] def min(self): return self.__min
[docs] def max(self): return self.__max
[docs] def isin(self, element): for block in self.raw: if block.isin(element): return True return False