# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <info@aquaduct.pl>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from aquaduct.geom import traces
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import list_blocks_to_slices
from aquaduct.visual.helpers import color_codes, cc
# matplotlib specific
# mpl color converter
# cc = lambda c,alpha=1.0 : colorConverter.to_rgba(c,alpha=alpha)
[docs]def yield_spath_len_and_smooth_diff_in_types_slices(sp, smooth=None, smooth_len=None, smooth_diff=None, types='etypes'):
if smooth is not None:
smooth_len = smooth
smooth_diff = smooth
# len
coords = sp.get_coords_cont(smooth=smooth_len)
dif = traces.diff(coords)
ldif = np.cumsum(dif)
# diff
if smooth_diff != smooth_len:
coords = sp.get_coords_cont(smooth=smooth_diff)
dif = traces.diff(coords)
# ldif = np.array(range(len(dif))) # same OX
if types == 'etypes':
etypes = sp.etypes_cont
elif types == 'types':
etypes = sp.types_cont
for sl in list_blocks_to_slices(etypes):
etype = etypes[sl]
ld = ldif[sl]
sd = dif[sl]
while len(etype) > len(ld):
yield ld, sd, etype
[docs]def plot_colorful_lines(x, y, c, **kwargs):
sls = list(list_blocks_to_slices(c))
n = len(sls)
for nr, sl in enumerate(sls):
a = x[sl]
b = y[sl]
color = c[sl][-1]
if nr == 0:
plt.plot(a, b, color=color, **kwargs)
last_a = a[-1]
last_b = b[-1]
last_color = color
mid_a = (last_a + a[0]) / 2
mid_b = (last_b + b[0]) / 2
if nr == n - 1:
plt.plot([last_a, mid_a], [last_b, mid_b], color=last_color, **kwargs)
plt.plot([mid_a, a[0]], [mid_b, b[0]], color=color, **kwargs)
plt.plot(a, b, color=color, **kwargs)
plt.plot([last_a, mid_a], [last_b, mid_b], color=last_color, **kwargs)
plt.plot([mid_a, a[0]], [mid_b, b[0]], color=color, **kwargs)
plt.plot(a, b, color=color, **kwargs)
last_a = a[-1]
last_b = b[-1]
last_color = color
[docs]def spaths_spectra(spaths, **kwargs):
spectra = []
minx = None
maxx = None
for sp in spaths:
xyc = list(spath_spectrum(sp, **kwargs))
xy = np.array([(x, y) for x, y, c in xyc])
c = list([c for x, y, c in xyc])
x = xy[:, 0]
y = xy[:, 1]
spectra.append((y, c))
if maxx is None:
maxx = max(x)
maxx = max(maxx, max(x))
if minx is None:
minx = min(x)
minx = min(minx, min(x))
for (y, c) in spectra:
plot_colorful_lines(np.linspace(minx, maxx, len(c)), y, c)
[docs]def plot_spath_spectrum(sp, **kwargs):
xyc = list(spath_spectrum(sp, **kwargs))
xy = np.array([(x, y) for x, y, c in xyc])
c = list([c for x, y, c in xyc])
plot_colorful_lines(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], c)
[docs]def spath_spectrum(sp, **kwargs):
lsdt = list(yield_spath_len_and_smooth_diff_in_types_slices(sp, **kwargs))
n = len(lsdt)
last_l = None
last_sd = None
last_t = None
last_color = None
for nr, (l, sd, t) in enumerate(lsdt):
color = color_codes(t[-1])
if nr == 0:
for ll, ssdd in zip(l, sd):
yield ll, ssdd, color
# plt.plot(l, sd, color=color)
last_l = l[-1]
last_sd = sd[-1]
last_color = color
mid_l = (last_l + l[0]) / 2
mid_sd = (last_sd + sd[0]) / 2
if nr == n - 1:
# for ll, ssdd in zip([last_l, mid_l], [last_sd, mid_sd]):
# yield ll, ssdd, last_color
# plt.plot([last_l, mid_l], [last_sd, mid_sd], color=last_color)
# for ll, ssdd in zip([mid_l, l[0]], [mid_sd, sd[0]]):
# yield ll, ssdd, color
# plt.plot([mid_l, l[0]], [mid_sd, sd[0]], color=color)
for ll, ssdd in zip(l, sd):
yield ll, ssdd, color
# plt.plot(l, sd, color=color)
# for ll, ssdd in zip([last_l, mid_l], [last_sd, mid_sd]):
# yield ll, ssdd, last_color
# plt.plot([last_l, mid_l], [last_sd, mid_sd], color=last_color)
# for ll, ssdd in zip([mid_l, l[0]], [mid_sd, sd[0]]):
# yield ll, ssdd, color
# plt.plot([mid_l, l[0]], [mid_sd, sd[0]], color=color)
for ll, ssdd in zip(l, sd):
yield ll, ssdd, color
# plt.plot(l, sd, color=color)
last_l = l[-1]
last_sd = sd[-1]
last_color = color
[docs]def showit(gen):
def patched(*args, **kwargs):
obj = gen(*args, **kwargs)
return obj
return patched
[docs]def get_ax3d(fig, sub=111):
return fig.add_subplot(sub, projection='3d')
[docs]class SimpleTracePlotter(object):
[docs] def plot_line(self, coords, color, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError('This is abstract class. Missing implementaion in a child class.')
def path_trace(self,path,color=('r','g','b'),
raise NotImplementedError('This is base class.')
[docs] def single_trace(self, coords, color='r', **kwargs):
# coords is a trace
# color is a single color
color = cc(color)
coords = np.array(coords)
# call plot_line
self.plot_line(coords, color, **kwargs)
[docs] def path_trace(self, path, color=('r', 'g', 'b'),
# path is a tuple of length 3, its elements represent in,object, out parts of path
# color is a tuple of length 3, its elements correspond to colors of consecutive path parts
color = map(cc, color)
for nr, trace in enumerate(traces.midpoints(path)):
# mid points!
if len(trace) > 0:
if (nr == 0 and plot_in) or (nr == 1 and plot_object) or (nr == 2 and plot_out):
self.single_trace(trace, color=color[nr], **kwargs)
[docs]class SimpleProteinPlotter(SimpleTracePlotter):
[docs] def protein_trace(self, protein, smooth=None, color=('c', 'm', 'y'), **kwargs):
# assumes protein is reader object
# TODO: iterate over chains?
bb = protein.parse_selection("protein and backbone")
coords = bb.get_positions()
cdiff = traces.diff(coords)
split = np.argwhere(cdiff > 2.5) # TODO: magic constant
ns = len(split)
if ns == 0:
self.single_trace(smooth(coords), color=color[0], **kwargs) # TODO: color conversion is buggy
split.shape = (ns,)
for nr, csplit in enumerate([0] + split.tolist()):
cc = color[nr % len(color)]
if nr == ns:
scoords = coords[csplit + 1:]
elif nr == 0:
scoords = coords[csplit:split[nr]]
scoords = coords[csplit + 1:split[nr]]
if smooth:
scoords = smooth(scoords)
self.single_trace(scoords, color=color, **kwargs)
[docs]class SimplePathPlotter(SimpleTracePlotter):
[docs] def single_path_traces(self, spaths, smooth=None, color=('r', 'g', 'b'), **kwargs):
for spath in spaths:
self.path_trace(spath.get_coords(smooth), color=color, **kwargs)
[docs]class MPLTracePlotter(SimplePathPlotter, SimpleProteinPlotter):
[docs] @showit
def init_ax(self):
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1)
[docs] @showit
def plot_line(self, coords, color, **kwargs):
self.ax.plot3D(coords[:, 0],
coords[:, 1],
coords[:, 2],
c=color, **kwargs)
[docs] @showit
def scatter(self, coords, **kwargs):
self.ax.scatter3D(coords[:, 0],
coords[:, 1],
coords[:, 2],