Source code for aquaduct.visual.pymol_connector

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Aqua-Duct, a tool facilitating analysis of the flow of solvent molecules in molecular dynamic simulations
# Copyright (C) 2016-2017  Tomasz Magdziarz, Alicja Płuciennik, Michał Stolarczyk <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import os
import tarfile

import aquaduct.visual.pymol_cgo as cgo

from aquaduct.geom import traces
from aquaduct.traj.paths import PathTypesCodes
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import list_blocks_to_slices
from aquaduct.visual.helpers import color_codes, cc
from aquaduct.utils.helpers import create_tmpfile, listify

[docs]class BasicPymolCGO(object): cgo_entity_begin = [] cgo_entity_end = []
[docs] def __init__(self): self.cgo_entity = None self.previous = None self.clean()
[docs] def clean(self): self.previous = None self.cgo_entity = [] self.cgo_entity.extend(self.cgo_entity_begin)
[docs] def new(self): self.previous = None
[docs] def get(self): return self.cgo_entity + self.cgo_entity_end
[docs] @staticmethod def make_color_triple(color_definition): return tuple(color_definition)
[docs]class BasicPymolCGOLines(BasicPymolCGO): cgo_entity_begin = [cgo.BEGIN, cgo.LINES] cgo_entity_end = [cgo.END]
[docs] def add(self, coords=None, color=None): if color is not None: self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.COLOR) # self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, color)) self.cgo_entity.append(self.make_color_triple(map(float, color))) if coords is not None: for nr, coord in enumerate(coords): if self.previous is not None: self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.VERTEX) self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, self.previous)) self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.VERTEX) self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, coord)) self.previous = coord
[docs]class BasicPymolCGOSpheres(BasicPymolCGO): cgo_entity_begin = [] cgo_entity_end = []
[docs] def add(self, coords=None, radius=None, color=None): # color to colors... if color is not None: color = np.matrix(color).A if radius is not None: radius = np.matrix(radius).A1 if coords is not None: for nr, coord in enumerate(coords): if color is not None: if len(color) > 1: c = color[nr] else: c = color[0] self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.COLOR) self.cgo_entity.append(self.make_color_triple(map(float, c))) # self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, c)) self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.SPHERE) self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, coord)) if radius is not None: if len(radius) > 1: r = radius[nr] else: r = radius else: r = 1. self.cgo_entity.append(float(r))
# [cgo.CONE] + xyz3 + xyz2 + [hradius, 0.0] + color2 + color2
[docs]class BasicPymolCGOPointers(BasicPymolCGO): cgo_entity_begin = [] cgo_entity_end = []
[docs] def add_cone(self, coords1=None, coords2=None, radius1=None, radius2=None, color1=None, color2=None): # color to colors... ??? if coords1 is not None and coords2 is not None: self.cgo_entity.append(cgo.CONE) self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, coords1)) self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, coords2)) self.cgo_entity.append(float(radius1)) self.cgo_entity.append(float(radius2)) self.cgo_entity.append(self.make_color_triple(map(float, color1))) self.cgo_entity.append(self.make_color_triple(map(float, color2))) # self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, color1)) # self.cgo_entity.extend(map(float, color2)) self.cgo_entity.extend([cgo.NULL, cgo.POINTS])
[docs] def add_pointer(self, point=None, direction=None, length=None, color=None, reverse=False): vec = point - direction vec_len = np.sqrt(np.sum(vec ** 2)) vec = (vec / vec_len) * length vec = point + vec if reverse: self.add_cone(coords1=point, coords2=vec, radius1=length / 3., radius2=0, color1=color, color2=color) else: self.add_cone(coords1=vec, coords2=point, radius1=length / 3., radius2=0, color1=color, color2=color)
[docs]class SimpleTarWriteHelper(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.tar_fh = None self.tmp_file = create_tmpfile()
[docs] def open(self, filename): self.tar_fh =, 'w:gz')
[docs] def save_object2tar(self, obj, name): with open(self.tmp_file, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f) self.save_file2tar(self.tmp_file, name)
[docs] def save_file2tar(self, filename, name): self.tar_fh.add(filename, arcname=name)
[docs] def __del__(self): if self.tar_fh is not None: self.tar_fh.close() os.unlink(self.tmp_file)
[docs]class ConnectToPymol(object): cgo_line_width = 2. ct_pymol = 'pymol' ct_file = 'file'
[docs] def __init__(self): self.connection_type = None # possible types are pymol and file self.script_fh = None self.data_fh = SimpleTarWriteHelper() self.cmd = None
[docs] @listify def decode_color(self, cgo_object): for element in cgo_object: if isinstance(element, tuple): for e in element: yield e else: yield element
[docs] def init_pymol(self): import pymol self.cmd = pymol.cmd pymol.finish_launching() self.cmd.set('cgo_line_width', ConnectToPymol.cgo_line_width) self.connection_type = self.ct_pymol
[docs] def init_script(self, filename): self.script_fh = open(filename, 'w') data_filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + '.tar.gz' self.connection_type = self.ct_file # TODO: Script generated by this object does not work properly if run via PyMOL. # init lines, imports etc. self.script_fh.write('''import argparse parser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Aqua-Duct visualization script") parser.add_argument("--save-session",action="store",dest="session",required=False,default=None,help="Pymol session file name.") parser.add_argument("--discard",action="store",dest="discard",required=False,default='',help="Objects to discard.") parser.add_argument("--keep",action="store",dest="keep",required=False,default='',help="Objects to keep.") parser.add_argument("--force-color",action="store",dest="fc",required=False,default='',help="Force specific color.") args,unknown=parser.parse_known_args() import sys def _kd_order(): if args.keep=='' and args.discard!='': return 'd' if args.keep!='' and args.discard=='': return 'k' if args.keep=='' and args.discard=='': return None if sys.argv.index('--keep')<sys.argv.index('--discard'): return 'k' return 'd' kd_order = _kd_order() def discard(name): if len([d for d in args.discard.split() if d in name])>0: return True return False def keep(name): if len([k for k in args.keep.split() if k in name])>0: return True return False def proceed(name): if kd_order == 'k': if not keep(name): return False elif discard(name): return False elif kd_order == 'd': if discard(name): if not keep(name): return False return True from pymol import cmd,finish_launching finish_launching() print "Loading Aqua-Duct visualization..." cmd.set("cgo_line_width",%d) from os import close,unlink from os.path import splitext,isfile import tarfile import cPickle as pickle from tempfile import mkstemp fd, pdb_filename = mkstemp(suffix="pdb") close(fd) max_state=0 arch_file="%s" if not isfile(arch_file): import tkFileDialog arch_file=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("AQ Vis Arch","*.tar.gz")],title="Select AQ visualization archive"),"r:gz") def decode_color(cgo_object,fc=None): for element in cgo_object: if isinstance(element,tuple): if fc is None: for e in element: yield e else: for e in fc: yield e else: yield element def load_object(filename,name,state): if not proceed(name): return global max_state print "Loading %s" % splitext(filename)[0] obj=pickle.load(data_fh.extractfile(filename)) if name in args.fc.split(): forced_color=args.fc.split()[args.fc.split().index(name)+1] forced_color=cmd.get_color_tuple(forced_color) obj=decode_color(obj,fc=forced_color) else: obj=decode_color(obj) cmd.load_cgo(obj,name,state) if state<2: cmd.refresh() if state>max_state: max_state=state def load_pdb(filename,name,state): if not proceed(name): return global max_state with open(pdb_filename,'w') as fpdb: fpdb.write(data_fh.extractfile(filename).read()) cmd.load(pdb_filename,state=state,object=name) if state>max_state: max_state=state ''' % (self.cgo_line_width, data_filename, "%s", "% s"))
[docs] def add_cgo_object(self, name, cgo_object, state=None): if state is None: state = 1 if self.connection_type == self.ct_pymol: self.cmd.load_cgo(self.decode_color(cgo_object), str(name), state) elif self.connection_type == self.ct_file: obj_name = '%s_%d.dump' % (name, state) self.data_fh.save_object2tar(cgo_object, obj_name) self.script_fh.write('''load_object("%s","%s",%d)''' % (obj_name, str(name), state)) self.script_fh.write(os.linesep)
# self.script_fh.write('''self.cmd.refresh()''') # self.script_fh.write(os.linesep)
[docs] def del_cgo_object(self, name, state=None): raise NotImplementedError("Deletion of CGO objects is not implemented yet.")
[docs] def load_pdb(self, name, filename, state=None): if state is None: state = 1 if self.connection_type == self.ct_pymol: self.cmd.load(filename, state=state, object=name) self.cmd.show_as('cartoon',name) self.cmd.color('silver',name) elif self.connection_type == self.ct_file: # save pdblile as string filename_new = '%s_%d.pdb' % (name, state) self.data_fh.save_file2tar(filename, filename_new) self.script_fh.write('''load_pdb("%s","%s",%d)''' % (filename_new, name, state)) self.script_fh.write(os.linesep) self.script_fh.write('''if proceed("%s"): cmd.show_as('cartoon','%s')''' % (name,name)) self.script_fh.write(os.linesep) self.script_fh.write('''if proceed("%s"): cmd.color('silver','%s')''' % (name,name)) self.script_fh.write(os.linesep)
[docs] def orient_on(self, name): if self.connection_type == self.ct_pymol: self.cmd.orient(name) elif self.connection_type == self.ct_file: self.script_fh.write('''if proceed("%s"): cmd.orient("%s")''' % (name, name)) self.script_fh.write(os.linesep)
[docs] def __del__(self): if self.connection_type == self.ct_file: self.script_fh.write('''data_fh.close() unlink(pdb_filename) print "Aqua-Duct visualization loaded." if args.session: print "Preparing data to save session..." for state in range(max_state): cmd.set_frame(state+1) cmd.refresh() if (state+1)%100==0: print "wait... %d of %d done..." % (state+1,max_state) print "%d of %d done." % (state+1,max_state) print "Saving session..." cmd.set_frame(1),state=0) print "Let the Valve be always open!" print "Goodby!" cmd.quit() ''') self.script_fh.write(os.linesep) self.script_fh.close()
[docs]class SinglePathPlotter(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, pymol_connector, linearize=None): self.cgo_lines = BasicPymolCGOLines() self.cgo_spheres = BasicPymolCGOSpheres() self.cgo_pointers = BasicPymolCGOPointers() # linearize have to be callable! or False or None self.linearize = linearize self.pymol_connector = pymol_connector
# TODO: take care of proper colors handling for smoothed and not smoothed traces!
[docs] def add_single_path_continous_trace(self, spath, smooth=None, plot_in=True, plot_object=True, plot_out=True, plot_walk=True, **kwargs): # get coords coords_cont = spath.get_coords_cont(smooth) # create slices if smooth: sls = tuple(list_blocks_to_slices(spath.types_cont)) else: sls = tuple(list_blocks_to_slices(spath.etypes_cont)) # create traces traces_list = tuple([coords_cont[sl] for sl in sls]) new_line = False for trace, sl in zip(traces.midpoints(traces_list), sls): if len(trace) > 0: # now trace has midpoints # get type and etype t = spath.types_cont[sl][0] et = spath.etypes_cont[sl][0] if smooth: et = et[0] # plot, if allowed if (plot_in and t == PathTypesCodes.path_in_code) or ( plot_object and t == PathTypesCodes.path_object_code) or ( plot_out and t == PathTypesCodes.path_out_code) or (plot_walk and t == PathTypesCodes.path_walk_code): # get color c = color_codes(et) # now, it is possible to linearize! if smooth and self.linearize: trace = self.linearize(trace) self.cgo_lines.add(trace, cc(c)) # new_line = True if new_line: new_line = False
[docs] def paths_trace(self, spaths, smooth=None, name='paths', state=None, **kwargs): # if state_function is None if state is None: state = 1 self.cgo_lines.clean() for nr, spath in enumerate(spaths): self.add_single_path_continous_trace(spath, smooth=smooth, **kwargs) self.pymol_connector.add_cgo_object(name, self.cgo_lines.get(), state=state)
[docs] def paths_inlets(self, spaths, smooth=None, color=None, plot_in=True, plot_out=True, name='in-out-let', state=None, **kwargs): if state is None: state = 1 self.cgo_pointers.clean() for nr, spath in enumerate(spaths): coords = spath.get_coords_cont(smooth=smooth) etypes = spath.etypes_cont if plot_in: if color is None: c = color_codes(etypes[0]) else: c = color self.cgo_pointers.add_pointer(point=coords[0], direction=coords[1], length=1., color=cc(c)) if plot_out: if color is None: c = color_codes(etypes[-1]) else: c = color self.cgo_pointers.add_pointer(point=coords[-1], direction=coords[-2], length=1., color=cc(c), reverse=True) self.pymol_connector.add_cgo_object(name, self.cgo_pointers.get(), state=state)
[docs] def scatter(self, coords, radius=0.4, color='r', name='scatter', state=None): if isinstance(color, str): color = cc(color) if state is None: state = 1 self.cgo_spheres.clean() self.cgo_spheres.add(coords=coords, radius=radius, color=color) self.pymol_connector.add_cgo_object(name, self.cgo_spheres.get(), state=state)
[docs] def convexhull(self, chull, color='m', name='convexhull', state=None): if isinstance(color, str): color = cc(color) if state is None: state = 1 self.cgo_lines.clean() for nr, facet in enumerate(chull.facets): if nr > 0: self.cgo_lines.add(facet, color=color) self.pymol_connector.add_cgo_object(name, self.cgo_lines.get(), state=state)